In light of the above, a one-day data user conference on the HCES 2022-23 to enhance MoSPI’s interaction and engagement with data users/stakeholders for feedback, is being organized by NSSO, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MoSPI) on 19th June 2024 at New Delhi. In the conference, various key concepts, definitions, key results, unit level data, using multipliers and the data quality of the HCES will be presented followed by an open discussion to address questions and share insights.
Dr. Bibek Debroy, Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM), will grace the event as the Chief Guest. The conference will also be attended by other high dignitaries, including Chairman and the members of the National Statistical Commission (NSC), Steering Committee of National Sample Survey (NSS), Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS), officers of MoSPI and other Central Ministries/Departments, officials from various international organizations, professors and research scholars from well-known institutes. Data users can also register for the conference via open registration.The confirmation to the selected participants will be conveyed via email. Those who could not participate in the conference physically are invited to join the conference on YouTube.
Links for the YouTube livestream:
Links for the open registration: