NASA Pays Tribute to President Jimmy Carter

NASA Pays Tribute to President Jimmy Carter
NASA has expressed deep sorrow over the passing of President Jimmy Carter, who made significant contributions to the Voyager Golden Record currently traveling through interstellar space. This record is a historic initiative that sent the music, languages, and culture of Earth into space, so that if an extraterrestrial civilization were to find it, they could learn about our planet.

In its tribute, NASA stated, "We are saddened by the passing of President Jimmy Carter, whose message of peace continues to reach across the 'vast and awesome universe.'" President Carter not only made his mark in American politics but also earned global recognition for his contributions to peace and human rights.

Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched in 1977, and the Golden Records carried on both spacecraft include a message from President Carter. These records have now traveled over 14.5 billion miles in space, with the aim of sending humanity's message to potential life forms in the cosmos.

According to NASA, Jimmy Carter's message of peace continues to spread across galaxies and stars, reminding us all that we share a common purpose and future. Carter's contributions will be remembered not just for his politics, but also for his lasting impact on science and space exploration.

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