Former Education Minister Harsh Dev Singh Addressed Public Meetings at Karlah and Chulyar in Chenani District, Udhampur

Former Education Minister Harsh Dev Singh Addressed Public Meetings at Karlah and Chulyar in Chenani District, Udhampur

Udhampur: Former Education Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Harsh Dev Singh, recently addressed public meetings in Karlah and Chulyar in the Chenani district of Udhampur. These meetings were organized to discuss the development of the area and local issues.

During the meeting held in Karlah, Harsh Dev Singh interacted with the local residents and listened to their problems. He emphasized the need for concrete steps for the development of the region. Prioritizing improvements in education, health, and basic facilities, he urged the government to pay attention to these issues.

A large number of local residents attended the meetings, supporting Hash Dev Singh’s views and appreciating his efforts. At the end of the meetings, Hash Dev Singh stated that he would always stand by the people and make every possible effort to protect their interests.
Hash Dev Singh's public meetings have instilled new hope among the local people and created a positive atmosphere for the development of the region.

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